Fixed a bug that players were exploiting to repeatedly gain unearned Tavern Tickets.This will be corrected in our next major patch. Update: Sneed is craftable for the correct cost of an Epic (300 coins), but the client is still displaying the wrong crafting cost. : Fixed a bug causing Sneed to show the wrong crafting cost.We’re also aware that Diablo’s Claws of Terror is not damaging adjacent minions when combined with the Pillage the Fallen Treasure.ġ1/3 Update: We are in the process of deploying a hotfix that includes the following changes:.Update: this issue was been resolved via hotfix.
We have launched a server-side hotfix that will make the Equipment function as intended, but the visuals will remain incorrect until a more complete fix can be implemented in patch 21.8. Smite’s Sharpened Scabbard Equipment does not activate as intended.
We’re aware of a visual bug where if Cairne’s Reincarnation triggers off Mutanus’s Devouring Attack, Cairne will return invisible.This issue is scheduled to be resolved in the 21.8 patch. We are aware that Dormant cards are missing their mouseover tooltip while Dormant.Update: This issue has been resolved via hotfix. It appears that wins with Priest and Mage do not count, but wins with Warrior, Shaman, and Hunter do. We have confirmed that the final Quest in the 21.6 Legendary Quest Chain, “Farewell and Good Night,” is not working as written.We’re aware of an incorrect event timing message that appears for some players the first time logging in after the patch.A fix for this will be included in an upcoming patch. We’re aware of a bug where the functionality and card text for the minion Tyrantus were unintentionally changed.
For those users, we have a suggested workaround: go to Google Play → open your profile icon in the top right → open “Manage apps & device” → select “Updates available” → select “Update All.” We believe that should cause the update to appear on your devices. We’re aware that the 21.6 update is not showing for some Google Play users.We will add additional issues as we track them: This will not include older known issues that are still being worked on, such as any remaining known issues from patch 21.4. Hello all, we wanted to let you know about some known issues that we are tracking with patch 21.6.